“Lost Paradise” is a theatrical performance directed by Lilach Dekel Avnery. The performance was based on Aeschylus: “Prometheus Bound”, with additional texts written by the performers in the group. It was staged in 2014 at the Acco Fringe Theater Festival and in Tel-Aviv’s Artist House. The performance won 1st prize at the Acco Festival.
Archives: Performances
Live impro-sound performance with audio-visual media, was recorded at Gallery Theatre HaChanut in Tel-Aviv, 2011. The performance included a three part event which disintegrates from improvised noise to gradual silence, with Adaya Godlevsky (harp & voice), Asaf Setti (magnetic tape recorder) and Roy Fabian (clay vessels & text), at the end of which Luigi Nono’s music piece ‘A Carlo Scarpa, architetto ai suoi infiniti possibili’. Also included in the event are photo images by Eduard Muybridge & Roy Fabian.